President’s Letter
President’s Letter
IN Women We Trust
Philanthropy was once a field to which women were denied access. Thanks to our founders and other women, those barriers fell a few decades ago. The pathway to a thriving future must obviously include women, but also everyone along the gender spectrum. To end gender bias and gender-based violence, to allow women to make decisions about their bodies, to see more women in leadership roles, to give women access to equitable wages, to encourage young women and girls to be all that their hearts desire, we need everyone.
Chicago Foundation for Women believes in nurturing the collaborative spirit of philanthropy and the collective impact of activism. For this region to be the best place for women and girls, we need you.
The success we have seen over these last thirty years is because you’ve joined us in the belief that as the world currently is does not mean it always has to be. By working together, whether as a donor, a grant maker, an activist, a volunteer, a nonprofit professional, or our own staff, we work hard to ensure this region is the best place for women and girls. We are leaders and change agents together. We are visionaries and innovators together.
We are all in this community, together.
With highest hopes,
K. Sujata